It is imperative that you eliminate stale content from your web site for several reasons:
Your CMS dashboard may already show a “Stale Content” widget; however, you can easily access a filterable stale content report by clicking the hamburger menu at the top-right corner of your dashboard and then clicking “Reports.”
You'll get a list that looks like this. Click “Stale Content.” The initial report you see is of all of the content in every folder on the web site to which you have access. You may look at the content as a whole or in segments by filtering down to a specific folder. To filter, click “Filter Results” near the top-left corner (see next screen shot).
IMPORTANT: Because our web policy requires that you update your static content* each January, May, and September, we recommend that you set your stale content “net” for 120 days. This means that your report will show pages in your site that have not been touched in approximately the last four months.
*Static content is that which rarely changes. Remember that dynamic (dated) content must change immediately as dates expire. If needed, refer to 3.10 - Content Relevancy and Currency.
Once you are looking at the desired list of stale assets in your site, begin systematically opening each one: this includes pages, blocks, images, and any other type of asset your site may contain. If you would like a checklist that you can mark off or make notes on (we especially recommend this if your site is very large), you may export the report to a .csv file.
In order to bring the all of your assets current, or to change them from stale to fresh, you must:
Perform Stale Content Checks Often
We realize that initially, this may be a time-consuming effort; however, once you have performed this procedure and it becomes a matter of routine, then subsequent content updates will assuredly be simpler.
Please contact us if you have questions or need our assistance as you implement this procedure into your web routine. For this and other web content issues, you may reach Casey Ford, Digital Content Editor, by email at or by phone at 409-880-8438. Thank you for the vital role you play in keeping our web sites as effective as possible.